Wood4Bauhaus participates in the Festival of the New European Bauhaus

The NEB Festival brings together stakeholders from all walks of life to debate and shape our future landscape. It is also a key opportunity to raise awareness of the power of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) values of beauty, sustainability and togetherness in addressing societal challenges. For its first edition, all events of the Festival such as conferences, exhibitions, seminars or other meetings combine a ‘live’ onsite event with a ‘virtual’ online component.

Programme of full festival : https://new-european-bauhaus-festival.eu/docs/NEB_FESTIVAL_PROGRAMME_220512.pdf

Video : https://innovawood.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/Innovawood/EWbeFrHT7N9NiesnCbDWIgIBp2z5lMhfn07lCD5Wh7RZQg?e=V03uCA

The New European Bauhaus: fostering healthy, climate-positive building with wood

Wood4Bauhaus was thrilled to be selected among other projects to host a side event during the NEB Festival. On June 12 and 13, a two-day side event and will be held at the largest timber building in Slovenia (Izola), where the InnoRenew institute is delivering science-based living labs about wood materials, engineered wood products and their positive impacts on people, society and environment. Embraced by sounds of wooden musical instruments, the event will invite the participants to have engaging conversations about the future innovation needs and ways to connect industry, science and policy makers.

Program of this side event available here