Horizon NEB NEXUS report at Woodrise Webinar Series

Uwe Kies, Secretary General of InnovaWood, presented the Wood4Bauhaus Alliance at a Woodrise webinar on the topic of Sustainability and CO2 Sequestration. In his talk, he introduced the New European Bauhaus initiative, the activities of the W4B Alliance, and the 10 systemic challenges for Research and Innovation put forward in the independent NEB NEXUS expert report. The report was co-authored by Prof. Andreja Kutnar, Director of the InnoRenew CoE, and co-founder of the W4B Alliance.

Here you can review the recording of the presentation:

More info

Schellnhuber HJ, Widera B, Kutnar A, Organschi A, Haffner A, Hillebrandt A, Murphy O, Nakicenovic N, 2022. HE-NEB Nexus report. EC DG R&I & JRC. 61p >>>> https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2777/49925

Presentation slides >> https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7117525