RESILIENTWOOD conference: A NEB Academy for the European construction ecosystem 

The project aims to offer to Social Partners concrete recommendations to tackle specific challenges in the Woodworking Industries (WI) through strengthened social dialogue. 



The project will focus on the adaptation of the industry and its outlook after the Covid-19 crisis, including the adaptation needs linked to expected technological changes and the need to increase the attractiveness of the sector for skills attraction and retention, with special attention given to gender balance in the WI. Possible solutions to these challenges will be investigated through a cooperation involving social partners and VET providers.  

This CEI-Bois led includes the consortium of The European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW), FCBA (Institute of Technology Forêt, Cellulose, Bois-construction, Ameublement) and Woodwize (Belgian paritary training center for wood and furniture) and the following affiliated members: European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry (EOS), the Croatian Wood Cluster, FILCA-CISL (Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Costruzioni e Affini) and GS (the Swedish Union of Forestry, wood and graphical workers).

More info: CEI-Bois project page | Press release (PDF) | LBI article (francais)

The project RESILIENTWOOD is funded by the European Union under the Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines (SOCPL, Grant Agreement n° 101051974).